Home to Heal by Lois Richer

Home to Heal by Lois Richer

Author:Lois Richer
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2020-04-08T20:41:49+00:00

Chapter Eight

May brought lengthening days, and Abby began to feel deep satisfaction in her life at Hanging Hearts Ranch. At Mandy’s insistence, she learned to ride in the evenings, after the girls had retired, before she read to Zac. Delighted by her accomplishments, she pressed him to let Drew give the twins preliminary lessons, too. Zac remained adamantly opposed.

“I want to teach them myself,” he kept insisting. “When I can see.”

Would he ever see again? And when would that be? Twice she’d driven Zac to see an ophthalmologist, and twice she’d heard the doctor’s advice. Wait a few weeks more.

Abby did not find that advice heartening. Zac’s frustration increased, his anger at God’s lack of help pouring out on the ride home.

“Why aren’t they healing? Does God want me blind?” he’d demanded. “What am I supposed to do if I’m blind?”

She didn’t argue or try to soothe him. She felt he needed to vent without worrying that his family would hear him and grow more concerned. With no way to work off his frustration, no way to go for a ride into the forest like Ben or chop wood as Mandy said Drew did, Abby helped the only way she knew, by encouraging him to join her and the twins for daily walks around the ranch. And she prayed, pleading with God to heal this man she feared she was growing to care for.

It was after one of these prayer sessions, as she was returning from Peace Meadow, that Abby saw Zac and one of the ranch hands, Oliver, sitting on the deck, seemingly in deep conversation. Hesitant to interrupt, she walked toward the main house to see if Bonnie wanted help in her garden.

“Hello, dear. Enjoying your free morning?” Bonnie’s cheerful face always made the day seem better. “By the sounds of the girls, the children’s choral presentation next Sunday is going to be fantastic.”

“The twins have been practicing their songs nonstop.” Abby bent and began pulling weeds. “I see Zac’s busy,” she said, striving for nonchalance.

“He and Oliver have talked several times lately. Zac also met with another, younger hand when you were out with the girls.” Bonnie chuckled. “My guess is both cases are about a woman.”

“Oh?” So not what she’d imagined.

“The two of them looked lovesick to me.” Bonnie chuckled as she flexed her fingers, covered in work gloves. “Zac’s at his best when he’s dealing in human relationships. He always seems able to encourage people. He’s known how since he first came to us. Grace—Miss Partridge—noticed his gift right off. Maybe because he often chose her library to inspire his chums. Say, have you seen her lately?”

“Not since the other afternoon when we worked on your quilt. Why?” Abby asked.

“It’s probably nothing.” Bonnie paused, her face thoughtful. “I just thought that recently she’s seemed—I don’t know—down?”

“It’s funny you should say that. I’ve had the same feeling,” Abby told her. “I thought I was being fanciful.”

“Understandable you would think so since she doesn’t often get down. But somehow Grace seems—well, sad isn’t quite the right word.


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